Trustbridge and PKC πŸ‘ Libra

Welcome! TrustBridge and PKC are excited by the potential Libra has to help those marginalized by lack of access to the global banking system. We see its potential to leverage blockchain and distributed computing to make the flow of money programmable and egalitarian. This has particularly exciting implications for the management and flow of charitable giving to the people and areas of the world that need it the most.

If you’re a PKC or Trustbridge dev, take a look at Quick Access to Libra Resources before starting to hack. As we continue to develop source code and conduct hackathons on Libra and Move, repos will in the Existing Repositories section.

Quick Access to Libra Resources


Libra White Papers

Move: A Language with Programmable Resources

Rust for Libra

The Rust Book

The Rust Styleguide

Existing Repositories

CryptoSmelt: Rust mining pool for cryptonote coins

Trabant: Parallelizable Merkle Trees using Skein in JS transpiled via Emscripten